The Tory MP Nadine Dorries has had to defend her tweet in which she stated that she shares her login details with her staff. She said that being a back bench MP meant she didn't have any access to government documents and there was nothing on her computer except a shared email account so there was no problem in doing so.
This raises two points.
1) If theres nothing on her computer then what is she doing all day? I'm sure she isn't writing everything by hand.
2) Is she right and theres nothing to be concerned about?
I'm not sure we're qualified to answer the first question fully, however if there really isn't anything of any importance then what's the problem?
We're all encouraged to have unique passwords for everything but in realtiy most people use the same password, or different variations of the same one for everything which is fine to a certain extent.
If there is no security risk to the user then theres no reason not to share your login details, especially in a work place, it's an environment where collegues share information and logins constantly. If there is sensitive information then you must keep the logins to yourself, and also make them difficult to guess. To do this use a mix of random letters, numbers and symbols. Norton have a great password generator on their website.
So was Nadine Dorries wrong to share what she did? The main concerns were because she works in Westminster and could possibly have access to very important information that could be damaging in the wrong hands. However, if she's wiling to share the logins with everyone, including temporary interns (as she said) then it's probably fair to say there is nothing of note on her computer and we should give her the benefit of the doubt.