The big news today is that East Riding of Yorkshire Council signs £14 million deal to bring superfast broadband to 42,000 rural homes and businesses in the local area. The superfast fibre broadband will deliver speeds of 24Mbps and above there fore potentially providing business in Pocklington with the access they deserve and require. Being an internet company providing the cutting edge of web development , email marketing and SEO to our Rural partners, we thought it might be a good idea to give a few facts to help give an understanding of what this could mean.
Super fast Fibre Broadband sounds great especially when most homes and businesses\' are getting little over 2Mbps - you can sit at York station with your 4G phone and work for free at ten times this speed that our Rural area is being provided at currently.
Business being helped by the investment of ERYC - we applaud this and are thankful the council has made the investment. However, did you know that Pocklington does not qualify for the £ 3,000 grants being offered to inner city business\'s to aid them to just connect to existing 30Mbps supplies.....!
Have you ever thought that your Broadband connection is slow ? lets say from early afternoon to past your business closing hours of say 6pm. This is because BT favour the connection speed for gaming and smart TV connection streaming at these times , so even if we do get the Super Fast Broadband are they going to spread the connection evenly for the Business in the area.
However , you can already get much faster , more reliable and cheaper broadband in the area now, how just ask !